MANCHESTER  Bruce W. Felmly, a trial lawyer with the law firm of McLane, Graf, Raulerson & Middleton, Professional Association, was recently appointed by the New Hampshire Supreme Court as chair of the Committee on Justice System Needs and Priorities. The Committee, comprised of judges, lawyers, court system personnel and other leaders with the New Hampshire justice system, will review the current level of services being provided in all of New Hampshire’s courts, and the expected needs of the courts over the next five years. The Committee will work to formulate strategies and make recommendations for meeting those future needs and challenges. Mr. Felmly noted: “I am very honored and pleased to be selected by the Supreme Court to lead this project. This is a time of great challenge and opportunity for the New Hampshire justice system and the public deserves our best effort to keep it vital, efficient and effective in delivering justice to all our citizens. I am very pleased to be a part of this work.”