Massachusetts Pay Transparency Update

Webinar Webinar

On July 31, 2024, Massachusetts Governor Maura Healy signed into law Bill H.4890 - An Act Relative to Salary Range Transparency.  The Act contains new pay transparency and wage reporting

Crafting the Right Enrollment Agreement for Your School

Webinar Webinar

In this session, McLane Middleton's education counsel will guide independent school leaders on the most essential terms and more recent trends in updating your enrollment contract for the next academic

Admitting and Accommodating Students with Disabilities

Webinar Webinar

In this engaging webinar, our Education Law Practice Group will cover how independent schools should handle both the admissions process and day-to-day enrollment of students with disabilities. The session will

Artificial Intelligence: Compliance for Independent Schools

Webinar Webinar

Faculty and students are eager to implement (and, likely, are already using) artificial intelligence. However, just like any other type of technology (e.g., computers, email and the Internet), schools must