Going Solar In New Hampshire

Photo of Gregory H. Smith
Gregory H. Smith
Director & Chair, Administrative Law Department
Published: McLane.com
December 1, 2007

Co-written by: Jarrett Duncan

Solar energy, a renewable energy source, is becoming increasingly attractive to residential and commercial energy users, and the market for solar energy technology is expanding in New Hampshire. Solar energy technology reduces dependency on fossil fuels and foreign oil without producing carbon emissions. Solar energy will qualify for renewable energy credits, carbon trading certificates, corporate tax credits, personal income tax credits and property tax exemptions. In addition, your home or business may qualify for a rebate or assistance from the State or electric distribution company. Because electrical output in excess of your requirements can be sold back to the regional grid, the combination of these benefits can result in early recapture of the initial investment.

Prior to the installation of new solar technologies, a review should be undertaken of relevant State and federal laws and regulations including, building codes, solar easements, net metering, design of equipment, system benefits charges and other requirements.

In sum, there are significant economic and environmental incentives to use solar energy. With the rising costs of heating your home or business, an evaluation of the extent to which solar power could meet your energy requirements may be well worthwhile.