When someone harms you, your family or a client with death or severe physical or emotional harm resulting, we are here to hold wrongdoers accountable. Rely on a legal team with the experience, resources, and compassion to zealously prosecute these tragic cases.

McLane Middleton attorneys, among the top-rated trial attorneys in New England, handle a wide array of plaintiff claims involving vehicle crashes, avoidable medical errors, government liability, dangerous devices, brain injuries, sexual abuse and wrongful death.
As a large firm with significant resources, we are ideally suited to help our clients recover for what are often unimaginable losses. While most cases settle out of court, our attorneys are fearless and skilled in the courtroom. Our willingness to take a case all the way is well known and enhances our position in settlement negotiations.
Despite our strong record of accomplishment, we avoid the aggressive consumer marketing on late night television and billboards that is, unfortunately, pervasive in this area of law. We feel it is crucial to choose litigators based on experience, credentials, and character, not on marketing talents. In fact, most of the personal injury and wrongful death claims we handle come as referrals from other lawyers who understand the difference.
Tragic cases take many different forms. A representative sample of the cases we have handled are as follows:
Representative Matters – Wrongful Death
- Family sued for the loss of life suffered when a suicidal driver steered off the highway and launched head-on into opposing traffic, killing their daughter and her unborn child
- Estate sued the manufacturer of a stove alleged to have manufactured improperly leading to the electrocution death
- Client sued for the loss of her husband after car crash with driver who made an illegal turn without signaling
- Estate client filed wrongful death action for family member who died of a result of carbon monoxide poisoning in his residence because of responsible company’s installation and operation of defective gas fired boiler.
Representative Matters – Personal Injury
- Lawsuit against driver who made an illegal turn causing motorcycle to hit the car broadside, resulting in multiple severe injuries.
- Lawsuit against bar for over-service of alcohol of driver who hit and maimed motorcyclist client
- Defamation action against individual who posted false allegations insinuating a dentist had engaged in fraud and sexual abuse
Representative Matters – Government Liability
- Lawsuit by a foster child against the state and an agency hired by the state for their placement of a child with abusive foster parents resulting in the foster parents inflicting a severe traumatic brain injury on the child
- Client sued the state and the construction company hired by the state for their failure to design a safe pedestrian walkway, leaving the client exposed to being run down by a teenage driver who had fallen asleep at the wheel after a night of partying
- Claims by two children against the state for not following up on claims of abuse and neglect resulting in the continued of abuse and neglect of the two minor clients, and their witness to their mother’s brutal murder of their sister

Representative Matters – Medical Errors
- Lawsuit against doctor for botched back surgery, causing quadriplegia
- Medical negligence claim against physician and hospital who misdiagnosed a child’s brain injury leading to child’s avoidable death
- Several clients filed claims against their obstetricians and related defendants for not performing prompt cesarian sections to prevent the hypoxic brain injuries that resulted from the delay in delivery
- Lawsuit against spinal surgeon who negligently did not monitor post-surgical care, resulting in patient quadriplegia
- Client filed lawsuit against orthopedist who failed to monitor post-surgical infection, resulting in amputation of client’s leg
- Lawsuit against hospitalists who negligently managed patient hyponatremia, resulting in brain damage
- Medical negligence lawsuit filed by client against pathologists who were negligent in their interpretation of pap smear and related studies, resulting in development of metastatic cervical cancer and patient death
Representative Matters – Sexual Abuse
- Representation of several children whose religious leaders sexually abused them
- Claims on behalf of several minors sexually exploited by teachers and other school personnel